Hi all,
I am new to the developer community. At this very moment I am developing my first module, and I found I need to allow some tasks to execute periodically. I've been looking for tools to ease it in Prestashop, and I found in the docs (http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Administration+modules#Administrationmodules-Crontasksmanager) there should be an administration module called "Cron tasks manager" that works like cron, calling URLs periodically.
The problem is I can't find that module. I installed Prestashop 1.6 using a Bitnami installer. It brings only a few administration modules, and none of them is that cron tasks manager. I also could not find it in the marketplace, or in GitHub, 1.6.x branch, in the modules folder (https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/tree/1.6.1.x/modules). After making a more extensive search in GitHub, I found a cronjobs module in a folder called "tests-legacy".
Is there really a "cron tasks manager" admin module for version If not, is there any free and stable alternative to it?
Thanks in advance