I want to override this module file: /modules/ps_sharebuttons/ps_sharebuttons.php
I created a new file in my theme's directory: modules/ps_sharebuttons/override/ps_sharebuttons.php
Original file has:
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Module\WidgetInterface; class Ps_Sharebuttons extends Module implements WidgetInterface { ... public function getWidgetVariables($hookName, array $params) { ... if (Configuration::get('PS_SC_FACEBOOK')) { $social_share_links['facebook'] = array( 'label' => $this->trans('Share', array(), 'Modules.Sharebuttons.Shop'), 'class' => 'icon-h-58', 'url' => 'http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u='.$sharing_url, ); } ... } }
This is my code: (I want to change 'class' and 'url' values)
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Module\WidgetInterface; class Ps_SharebuttonsOverride extends Ps_Sharebuttons implements WidgetInterface { ... public function getWidgetVariables($hookName, array $params) { ... if (Configuration::get('PS_SC_FACEBOOK')) { $social_share_links['facebook'] = array( 'label' => $this->trans('Share', array(), 'Modules.Sharebuttons.Shop'), 'class' => $myClass, 'url' => $myUrl, ); } ... } }
I deleted /cache/dev/class_index.php and /cache/prod/class_index.php files