I'm looking after a shop for a client. It's running It has mostly been fine, but a few days ago, the client couldn't log into the back end - any attempt to try leads to a Timeout page being served (eventually).
I've turned on both _PS_MODE_DEV_ to True in defines.inc.php and also turned on PHP's display errors in the hosting control panel. Still see nothing. I'm not getting any error logs written, and error is sometimes a 503 - still no error log. The hosting (a2hosting.com)'s support seems to be poor to me - their replies have been varied and different (some telling me different things to do, despite having already done them), although I can see that the error logs work if I intentionally generate an error (in another PHP script on the hosting).
I can't find any way to get this sorted, and the client's shop (which was a reasonable source of income for him) is rapidly going down the drain as no-one can buy from it.
I've tried switching PHP versions in the hosting (previous teething troubles with the shop crashing were with it on PHP 7 - it's been running stably on 5.6), but AFAIK nothing has changed in the shop setup - the client has been just taking orders and fulfilling them until this happened.
Any ideas? I'm rapidly losing faith in both the hosting and Prestashop, given this debacle since Friday.