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blank screen after order checkout - contexterrorexception in customerformatter.php line 215


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since a few weeks my clients often get a blank screen after paying an order. When I activate the debug mode, I get the error message contexterrorexception in customerformatter.php line 215 (more information see attachment). I am not a programmer or IT-person but I know how to access my hosting (godaddy) and database.

How can I solve this error?

I am using prestashop 1.7.2. and godaddy hosting.



error checkout.png

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I will check with my IT as he solved it. The only thing I know that it was an easy fix for him and that the correct code can be found on github. If I get more feedback from him, I will let you know. Regards, Armin

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