Notice: Use of undefined constant INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 - assumed 'INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46' |
in Mail.php line 878 |
at MailCore::toPunycode('[email protected]')in Mail.php line 317 |
at MailCore::send(1, 'account', 'Benvenuto!', array('{firstname}' => 'prova', '{lastname}' => 'Chi', '{email}' => '[email protected]'), '[email protected]', 'csfdd ffa')in CustomerPersister.php line 226 |
at CustomerPersisterCore->sendConfirmationMail(object(Customer))in CustomerPersister.php line 196 |
at CustomerPersisterCore->create(object(Customer), 'pass')in CustomerPersister.php line 59 |
at CustomerPersisterCore->save(object(Customer), 'pass', null, true)in CustomerForm.php line 195 |
at CustomerFormCore->submit()in AuthController.php line 61 |
at AuthControllerCore->initContent()in Controller.php line 281 |
at ControllerCore->run()in Dispatcher.php line 509 |
at DispatcherCore->dispatch()in index.php line 28 |
Edit History
Notice: Use of undefined constant INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 - assumed 'INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46' |
in Mail.php line 878 |
at MailCore::toPunycode('[email protected]')in Mail.php line 317 |
at MailCore::send(1, 'account', 'Benvenuto!', array('{firstname}' => 'Antonio', '{lastname}' => 'Chiappetta', '{email}' => '[email protected]'), '[email protected]', 'Antonio Chiappetta')in CustomerPersister.php line 226 |
at CustomerPersisterCore->sendConfirmationMail(object(Customer))in CustomerPersister.php line 196 |
at CustomerPersisterCore->create(object(Customer), 'formacin')in CustomerPersister.php line 59 |
at CustomerPersisterCore->save(object(Customer), 'formacin', null, true)in CustomerForm.php line 195 |
at CustomerFormCore->submit()in AuthController.php line 61 |
at AuthControllerCore->initContent()in Controller.php line 281 |
at ControllerCore->run()in Dispatcher.php line 509 |
at DispatcherCore->dispatch()in index.php line 28 |