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Header links and such

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First of all, I'm new to Prestashop. I have configured CS-Carts and Zen, and now I'm trying out Presta and Magento. Prestashop was recommended to me as being flexible (and as confusing as CS-Cart's smarty) but I have one thing I can't get to work like I want it to... the header links. I have been messing with the CSS for a while now but nothing comes close to where I want it. I've noticed that most pro- and free templates still have the same layout of the header, where it comes to the searchbox and link-items. Maybe I'm the only one that think the current lay-out is messy and visualy unattracting? Anyway, I could use some help with that part.

See attached screenshots, the first is the original, the second one is a mock-up that I could live with (and mod further) :)

Any help would be great!

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(NO CSS for that) Open your Back Office click on modules tab now click on Positions (under Catalog tab) scroll down to "Top Of Pages" section and delete "Quick Search block v1.0" now on top you can see there is a option "Transplant a module" click on it and select:

Module: Quick Search block
Hook into: Right Column blocks (you can select a diferent one but thats the one I like :-) )

Click on save and you are done!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...


I am just beginner of Pshop.
Trying to modify look and feel of the pshop.

How do I move around the modules within the header (Hook_Top)?
Maintain Currencies, Language, Top_Links, & User_Info right at the top of the page in 1 row (without search block)
2nd row come with Shop Logo, and probably i plan to do horizontal navigation menu.
3rd row I want to have Quick Search Box right in the center.
Then comes Left Column and Ceter column as it is.


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