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I could not get the stock CSV product import function to work in a way that it would update the price in a reliable way in both ps_product and ps_product_shop tables.

Maybe it is because of the PHP 7.1 I'm forced to use.

I tried many things: identifying products by ID, importing more fields, various tests with different values in the field "ID / name of shop", importing duplicate rows for products in both shops (with different shop ID in "ID / name of shop" field) and so on...

Nothing works in a reliable way. Most obvious error: products with shop ID 2 are changed only in ps_product and the db field "id_shop_default" get's overwritten with ID 1...

To solve my problems, I'm lucky that the following free import/price update module does exactly as promised and even updates all database entries of a product in a multistore system:





I could not get the stock CSV product import function to work in a way that it would update the price in a reliable way in both ps_product and ps_product_shop tables.

Maybe it is because of the PHP 7.1 I'm forced to use.

I tried many things: identifying products by ID, importing more fields, various tests with different values in the field "ID / name of shop", importing multiple rows for products in both shops (with different shop ID in "ID / name of shop" field) and so on...

Nothing works in a reliable way. Most obvious error: products with shop ID 2 are changed only in ps_product and the db field "id_shop_default" get's overwritten with ID 1...

To solve my problems, I'm lucky that the following free import/price update module does exactly as promised and even updates all database entries of a product in a multistore system:




UPDATE of my tests so far:

I think for the products in both shops I have to have two duplicate rows in my CSV...

Then specify shop ID in the field "ID / name of shop".



UPDATE of my tests so far:

The CSV import function of PS does not seem to make any changes to the entries in the table "ps_product_shop"

I don't know if this is the regular/desired behavior... but in a multistore environment this would mean we can only use the CSV import to create new products, if even?




UPDATE of my tests so far:

The whole CSV import function of PS does not seem to make any changes to the entries in the table "ps_product_shop"

I don't know if this is the regular/desired behavior...


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