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think i screwed the pooch... cant get into backoffice

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i was having major problems with getting prestashop installed as my shopping cart... now i cant log into the backroom/shopping cart.. i had the password sent to me twice since yesterday.. it only allows resend-password every 360 minutes as you guys probably know.

so i went into my SQL and tried to figure it out, now im getting these two messages at the bottom of the screen in mySQL.

( "!" PRIMARY and INDEX keys should not both be set for column `id_employee`) and
( "!" More than one INDEX key was created for column `id_employee`)

so now what pff... i still cant log in with the "new" password that was sent to my Email, and to boot the website is locked because someone actually came in and bought a few of the Demo items that were listed when i first setup the shopping cart lol.

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