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Musher Kazarjan

Musher Kazarjan

Hello everyone, 

Can you please tell me how can I change the main default family font of my prestashop website? So that the police will already be the settled as "Bahnschrift" and I will not have to always go and change that in the source HTML code, when I'm creating new texts. 

Thank you in advance. 

Musher Kazarjan

Musher Kazarjan

Hello everyone, 

Can you please tell me how can I change the main default family font of my prestashop website? So that the police will already be the settled as "Bahnschrift" and I will not have to always go and change that in the HTML code, when I'm creating new texts. 

Thank you in advance. 

Musher Kazarjan

Musher Kazarjan

Hello everyone, 

Can you please tell me how can I change the main default family font of my prestashop website? So that the police will already be the settled as "Bahnschrift" and I will not have to always go and change that in the HTML code, when I'm creating new texts. 

Thank you in advance. 

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