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ahmed alqasmi

ahmed alqasmi

14 minutes ago, JBW said:

You have to adjust the CSS for the thumbnails and all elements around it, then there will be automatically more products fit into the row. Here a quick and ugly try:


Thanks  for your response.. Please I need more detailes which files exatly need to adjust and which codes change

ahmed alqasmi

ahmed alqasmi

14 minutes ago, JBW said:

You have to adjust the CSS for the thumbnails and all elements around it, then there will be automatically more products fit into the row. Here a quick and ugly try:


Thanks  for your response.. Please I need more detailes which files exatly need to adjust and which codeschanges

ahmed alqasmi

ahmed alqasmi

14 minutes ago, JBW said:

You have to adjust the CSS for the thumbnails and all elements around it, then there will be automatically more products fit into the row. Here a quick and ugly try:


Thanks  for your response.. Please I need more detailes which files exatly need to adjusf and which codeschanges

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