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Geolocation enabled changing price in rich snippets

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I have big trouble with PS (version

I need to have geolocation function enabled because I want to restrict access to my shop according to visitors countries.

Geolocation works flawlessly but when it's enabled, I have problem with price in google rich snippets eg. google shows price without VAT. When I disable geolocation, problem dissappears - price is with VAT.

I'm testing it with https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool/

Is it PS bug?


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Once you enable native Geo Location new visits (no cookie) has visitor country from IP put in cookie.  From this non-logged state all other PS 'by country' configurations are based on cookie country, taxes, currency, price rules etc.

So if google giving US, then tax excluded would be the norm for US.

One thing to know is native geo location for default behavior when no IP found, is to deny shopping based on configuration.  This is main reason to avoid native because it only supports maxmind free,  best case (USA) 85% accurate so depending on your visitor locations you can deny shopping (restrict) valid visitors.

Also unless you need to hide shop entirely it's recommended to disallow purchases based on 'no carrier' or limit delivery to country you only have carriers for.  By country or regional  search bots could get blocked...never a good thing.

Our Geo Targeting Pro module extends native Geo Location 


More importantly it has build in country simulator so you can test your 'by country' configuration quickly.

We have also release Visitor Shipping Assurance module, which is light weight of our famous Shipping Commander module.


PS rocks at by country and if you have the right module features can really add to number of international sales.  

Happy geo'ing,






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