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Cyrillic problem in Customer Service part


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Hi all,

i have a PrestaShop and in the Back office i have set up the part with a Customer Service. My e-mail massages that comes in to my inbox are synchronized with the Customer Service threads. The problem is that some of the customers writes in Bulgarian (a Cyrillic alphabet) and those messages are not readable at all. Instead the normal text PrestaShop shows some symbols (attached pick). I have tried to change the encoding of the e-mail by asking the hosting company for help but that doesn't help at all.

If i look at the e-mail in the mail box directly everything is as is should be but in the Customer Service part i can't read anything. And this is only happening with the customers that writes in Bulgarian.

If any one can share if the same problem is crossed all over the users i'll be happy to hear the solution.



Customer Service_err.jpg

Edited by nikolay86 (see edit history)
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