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Upgrade to 1.7.5 failure on remote hosting?

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Upgrade error PS1.7.4.4 to PS1.7.5 1-click upgrade, trying to select admin/module page

Oops! An Error Occurred
The server returned a “500 Internal Server Error”.
Something is broken. Please let us know what..

Also noticed in doing a the 1-click upgrade. I get the following 3 Mysql warnings. Not sure if these have anything to do with it.

[WARNING] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE ps_supply_order_receipt_history CHANGE employee_firstname employee_firstname VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT ”, CHANGE employee_lastname employee_firstname VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT ”: Duplicate column name ’employee_firstname’

[WARNING] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE ps_product CHANGE reference supplier_reference varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE supplier_reference supplier_reference varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL: Duplicate column name ‘supplier_reference’

[WARNING] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE ps_stock_available ADD location VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ” AFTER out_of_stock: Duplicate column name ‘location’


When I select ‘debug mode’, and try to view the admin/module page, everything is displayed correctly. All modules are listed out correctly with descriptions etc.

But when I de-select ‘debug mode’, and try to view the module page, I get the “500 Internal Server Error”.

With debug mode ON and I view the shop. I get the following error

(1/1) ContextErrorException

Warning: Declaration of Cart::updateQty($quantity, $id_product, $id_product_attribute = NULL, $id_customization = false, $operator = ‘up’, $id_address_delivery = 0, Shop $shop = NULL, $auto_add_cart_rule = true) should be compatible with CartCore::updateQty($quantity, $id_product, $id_product_attribute = NULL, $id_customization = false, $operator = ‘up’, $id_address_delivery = 0, Shop $shop = NULL, $auto_add_cart_rule = true, $skipAvailabilityCheckOutOfStock = false)
in Cart.php line 86
at ErrorHandler->handleError(2, ‘Declaration of Cart::updateQty($quantity, $id_product, $id_product_attribute = NULL, $id_customization = false, $operator = \’up\’, $id_address_delivery = 0, Shop $shop = NULL, $auto_add_cart_rule = true) should be compatible with CartCore::updateQty($quantity, $id_product, $id_product_attribute = NULL, $id_customization = false, $operator = \’up\’, $id_address_delivery = 0, Shop $shop = NULL, $auto_add_cart_rule = true, $skipAvailabilityCheckOutOfStock = false)’, ‘/home/gbhortic/gb-online.co.uk/newxyz/override/classes/Cart.php’, 86, array(‘className’ => ‘Cart’, ‘classDir’ => ‘/home/gbhortic/gb-online.co.uk/newxyz/’))in PrestaShopAutoload.php line 152
at require_once()in PrestaShopAutoload.php line 152
at PrestaShopAutoload->load(‘Cart’)in DebugClassLoader.php line 151
at DebugClassLoader->loadClass(‘Cart’)
at spl_autoload_call(‘Cart’)in FrontController.php line 409
at FrontControllerCore->init()in Controller.php line 262
at ControllerCore->run()in Dispatcher.php line 509
at DispatcherCore->dispatch()in index.php line 28

Any ideas

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I just finished the update process from to (via 1-click update - Expert mode - Directory update, since the other available options didn't work with my server, too many timeout errors) and I can confirm that there are indeed 3 SQL warnings about duplicate column names.

The exact same errors you got.

[WARNING] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `eshopsupply_order_receipt_history` CHANGE `employee_firstname` `employee_firstname` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '', CHANGE `employee_lastname` `employee_firstname` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '': Duplicate column name 'employee_firstname'

[WARNING] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `eshopproduct` CHANGE `reference` `supplier_reference` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE `supplier_reference` `supplier_reference` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL: Duplicate column name 'supplier_reference'

[WARNING] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `eshopstock_available` ADD `location` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `out_of_stock`: Duplicate column name 'location'



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a module called ‘inixframe’ so I deleted it.

All works fine now. I can now get into the admin/module page

But why have I got a module called ‘inixframe’ I have never installed it, and it does not appear in the module list? unless it is a different name. It is a module by presta-apps.com

From my archives, it looks like the module was installed between 31 Oct 2017 and 12 Dec 2017. But I cannot find how/why it was installed.

Any ideas plz

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