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Translate phrase


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I have problems with translating several phrases in Presta I know how it should be done, through the International | Translations pages, but not everything works. Translations are made, saved, cache cleared and cleared in browser (and checked on two computers and three browsers). Two examples I need to specifically get changes before going live with the shop:

' There are not enough products in stock. ' is displayed if there is zero stock (or literally not enough), but in combinations other combinations can still have stock. I see that this error is being corrected in a future release, but this does not help me now. Instead, I need to change the words and have done so in Translations. But it doesn't update in the shop.

So I need to find the source file and directly edit the source, but I cannot find it. Can anyone help - where is this being picked up from? I've looked in the translation-en file (which is the one in use) and it isn't there. I found mention that it exists in ShopNotificationsError.xlf but cannot find it there. In Translations the source shows as Admin > Catalog > Notification but I can find no such file. Anyone know where I can directly edit this phrase?

Second example is in the account area. Under 'My personal data' there's two text boxes and two download buttons. Using translations, the button text edits immediately. The first text box and the first part of the second box will not update (they are in Translations | Messages). The second text is made up from three segments: the first text, the middle the link 'contact us' and then more text - the final section of text updates immediately, but the first will not change at all.

Like the first example, does anyone know where I can edit this directly? Either that, or why Translations refuse to update my theme for some parts and not others?


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