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[Job offer] Prestashop 1.7 changes


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Hello, I have a few tasks to implement related to Prestashop 1.7
I am looking for a specialist who will take the challenge to start with the 3 tasks below:

  1. Pagination – optimize for SEO, everywhere where we have pagination (Category, Manufacturer):

    1. Change url adress: Now we have - https://page.com/category-name/?page=2, ?page=3, ?page=4 but we need https://page.com/category-name/2/,/3/, /4/ clear URL without "?page="

    2. Change meta title. Now we have - Category name | Shop name, if page >=2 we need: Category name - Page (number) | Shop name.

    3. Change meta descripton. If page >2 add "Page (number)" to meta description

    4. Change H1/title. If page >=2 we need to add Page (number). For example in page 2 now we have: "Category name" but we need "Category name - page 2"

    5. Delete description. If page >=2 delete description under page title.

  2. Product tags – optimize for SEO.

    1. Change url adress. Now we have - https://page.com/search?tag=[name] but we need https://page.com/tag/[name]

    2. Category for tags – if it possible we need to group tags in category so correct URL will be https://page.com/tag-category/tag/[name] | Its optional but nice to have

    3. Meta title for tags: Tag name | Shop name.

    4. Meta description for tags

    5. Description: possible to add description under title like in page category or manufacturer

    6. H1 - page title must be tag name

    7. If pagination look at task number 1

  3. Product filters – optimize for SEO. | Optional

    1. Change url adress. Now we have -  https://page.com/category/?q=Manufacturer-Name but we need https://page.com/category/Manufacturer-Name

    2. Meta title for filters with category - Category + Manufacturer name | Shop name

    3. Place to add Meta description for combination category + Manufacturer

    4. Change title - h1 must be Category name + Manufacturer name

    5. Place to add description for this combination: Category + Manufacturer filter

    6. If pagination look at task number 1


Contact via: Email:[email protected] or Priv message

Best regards,

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