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Can "mother-pics" be deleted from server after...

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Hi all

Just two questions:

1. What dimensions of product pic do u upload as a "mother-pic"?
This question is to catch the "golden-middle" and have good quality for all thumbnail sizes and at the same time to preserve small size of pics.

2. Can "mother-pics" be deleted after generating of thumbnails?

What's your experience?

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I guess it depends if you are using thinkbox or not and how big you want your largest image

In admin>>preferences>>images, you can control the size of all images and also specify (when you click on one of them, where that image should be used.) Large is the default image on the product page for example (300x300). Home (129x129) are what you see in featured products on home page

There is an option to regenerate thumbnails. These will be different image files, that are smaller in size than your bigger images.

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