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connect to external phpmyadmin db


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Hi Prestashoppers


I am trying to test Prestashop with our current 1.6 but I lack the data. My problem is that our database i around 400 megabyte and theres is a load max at 50 mb. So not to create a big fusse, how do I go aboute doing this? Any suggestions?



Webdev. newbie to Prestashop

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The problem is not exactly clear to me:

 - if you control the server you can adapt this 50 mb limit in your php.ini

 - you can transfer one table at a time. So you don't need to transfer the whole database at once.

 - usually the biggest tables are the statistics tables. You don't need them for testing.

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26 minutes ago, Martin said:

Hi and thanks for answering.

Well then I must be dumb. But I have 7 pages with tables. I find Prestashop very difficult to deal with. It lacks professional attributes. Other than the ones you buy yourself. It is a money pit...

Obviously quite a few people can make a decent shop with Prestashop. It puzzles me why you start a discussion about PS in general when you have a specific question.

In Phpmyadmin you can sort tables by size by clicking on the right header.

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