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vanilla install - festival of suck wrt install

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So I used cpanel softaliscious to try & install V1.7.4.4 ...it failed ...messed about for ages...aborted. So I figured I'd roll my sleeves up & go all manual install (not new to this, done it all before)...I watched the YT video & bought into how so easy it would be .....4hrs later I'm no further forward.

So having tried a few versions of PHP, the most successful (if you can call getting 10% through the pre-checks vs crapping out straight away)  is PHP 7.1, but I'm now seeing this error...

"Warning: file_put_contents() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/precise/public_html/index.php on line 106
{"error":true,"message":"Unable to write to file \/home\/precise\/public_html\/index.php.temp"}

I then get '500 Internal server error' ...forgive me if I'm coming across a bit tetchy, but basically 4hrs on installing cart software in the year 2018 ....something has gone very wrong! (a bit of googling suggests many others having issues installing V1.7.4 ...either file permissions (which I've set) 500 server internal error ...

Should it be this hard?

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lol...to be honest we don't have these issues...we don't use 3rd party installers...

above is warning, it does not stop script

for 500 enable PS debug mode to get underlying error

and your website support is very clued in with probably wordpress not ecommece per se.  few are

I'll be honest we install every version for our labs and have not run into an install issue in a  long time...so maybe it's not PS lol

Edited by El Patron (see edit history)
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51 minutes ago, El Patron said:

I'll be honest we install every version for our labs and have not run into an install issue in a  long time...so maybe it's not PS lol

You're average user   will not be installing in a lab, so a little more fleshing out of the install guide would be useful for when (common) real world (not lab) issues are hit

How do I enable PS debug mode to get more info? (bearing in mind it never installed in the first place - this is a fresh vanilla install that's not even getting to first base)


P.S. Re 3rd part installers ...actually the last PS version I installed used Softaliscious...it went without a hitch. Prestashop should be engaging/embracing the largest 3rd party installers...the simpler you can make a new install, the more users are likely to migrate to PS.

Edited by peskywinnets (see edit history)
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Latest error....

Warning: file_put_contents() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/precise/public_html/index.php on line 106
{"error":true,"message":"Unable to write to file \/home\/precise\/public_html\/index.php.temp"}

...doesn't mean squat to me (an average punter)...I've checked the file permissions for the files & the directories

I tried on a different webshost completely ...again a few errors (which googling addressed)...the latest one if 'unable to download language pack' - what gives on this one?



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