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[SOLVED] Unable to make translations! - Error 403! /admin1120/index.php Forbidden!


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I'm working on the German and French languages (won't be using English) and need to translate the different modules, categories etc etc...

I'm looking to desperately solve this issue as I'm unable to translate into any language. Every time I want to save my translation I get this error:

Error 403!



This also happens when I don't do any translations and click directly on "Update Translations".

Have googled for a solution and looked in the forum but haven't found any solution. I've also contacted my host and they can't help. They think it's due to the SQL because of the öüäéèà ... but if that's the case, I'm not the only one having this problem or it should have been solved.

Lots of things have been tried and still no success ... used different browsers, gave 777 permissions ...

Is anyone having the same problem or do you have a solution? Please help. :) If I'm missing something please let me know.

The shop is running 1.3.7

Looking forward to get some responses as I've been having this issue for a week now and my host nor I can't solve it :(

Thank you in advance!



Problem has been solved. The Error was due to the Apache modsecurity for the admin folder. it must be turned off.

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I have the same problem to translate the Modules and i have the version
I change the 
Preferences -> SEO &URL , switch "Disable apache mod security" to "Yes"
but still don't work and i change again to 
Preferences -> SEO &URL , switch "Disable apache mod security" to "No".
in my .htaccess show this

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
<IfModule mod_env.c>

isn't suppost to work fine?


I'm testing in other page with Prestashop 1.5.3 and have the same problem :(

Edited by FerreireX (see edit history)
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  On 9/8/2014 at 8:30 PM, marboo said:

How is this topic marked as solved, when there is no solution for our problem?


see original post:



Problem has been solved. The Error was due to the Apache modsecurity for the admin folder. it must be turned off.


the reason it's hard to find why something is solved, is because others post on solved with 'similar' issue.  good advice is to open 'your own' topic for best community review.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi everyone !


I've just solved this problem on my side.

I made some translation in french (i'm french) and then BOOM, 403 error just in the index. The other pages worked but not the index.

I've tried to turn off and on the apache's security mod but nothing.


But then, i've checked my FTP and there was an “fr” folder at the root of it (i don't know really why).
So, when the url was “www.myWebsite.com/fr/“, it tried to check the folder and the error makes sense. (It apply to other languages obviously)

I have renamed the folder and now it works !


I know this is not THE solution but i hope this will help someone :) 

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