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Add new CATEGORIES. Not Subcategory?


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Catagories are called subcatagories - even if they are to be put on the home page. This is an anomoly of PS.

Anyway why dont't you buy the book?
I found it very useful to get off the ground. It puts structure into building a prestashop.

Where can I buy a book? Is there any specific book which teaches each and everything from scrap of prestashop? If yes, then I am definitely interested.
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Have you cracked the problem?

The book is advertised on this website, I think its available from amazon, It is also avaiable from the publishers website www.packtpub.com
It is a beginners guide for PS 1.3 it is certainly not an experts guide, one would need volumes to do that. It got me started even though it is not cheap. But in the scale of setting up and running a webshop its a small investment.

What do others think?
Anyone willing to give thir feedback on the book?

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Have you cracked the problem?

The book is advertised on this website, I think its available from amazon, It is also avaiable from the publishers website www.packtpub.com
It is a beginners guide for PS 1.3 it is certainly not an experts guide, one would need volumes to do that. It got me started even though it is not cheap. But in the scale of setting up and running a webshop its a small investment.

What do others think?
Anyone willing to give thir feedback on the book?

Nope. Problem not yet solved. I live in asia and I dont think I'll be able to receive the book here. Can you help me in that. I am interested in this book. Do u have it in PDF?
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Have another go
In back office go to catalogue
The page opens and asks if you want to create a new subcatagory (in the home page)
Click on "new" subcatagory
fill in all the screen info you need for the new (sub)catagory
Click save and it should be done.

Do not be confused because it says sub catagory.

If you want a subcatagory within a catagory just open that catagory and fill in the screen info and it will be created under that catagory.

Good luck.

Sorry the book is not available in PDf.

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