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Paypal (sandbox) problem

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Hello, everybody. Good day.

I have setup paypal (sandbox) in my website (module version: PayPal v1.7.1), no problem in transaction. Seller can receive the money from buyer. When paypal returns to my shop, an error "If you have just placed an order, it may take time for it to be validated. Please refresh the page if your order is missing." and "You have not placed any orders" The item is still in the cart.

I try to surf the solution in following url (question 2) and modify /module/paypal/validation.php but no help:

I also check the url before paypal returns to my shop url:
<input type="hidden" name="address_status" value="confirmed">
<input type="hidden" name="payment_status" value="Completed">
<input type="hidden" name="notify_version" value="3.0">

The payment_status is Completed...

Does anyone know what I do wrong? Thanks.

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If you have just placed an order, it may take time for it to be validated. Please refresh the page if your order is missing.

This message itself is not an error message. It is just kind of information. It tell you that it takes a few seconds (1 minute or two) before your order is validated by Paypal. If you refresh your page after a few minutes, this should disappear and your shopping cart should also be cleared. And you should be able to see the order once it is validated.

For why it will take a few seconds to be validated, please see here for explanation.

If the order never shows up in your back office, then there might be some issue.
Please confirm that your server is reachable from internet and from Paypal server.
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shokinro, thank you for your reply.

I know "If you have just placed an order, it may take time for it to be validated. Please refresh the page if your order is missing." is not an error and I don't mind it appears in notice. My problem is the transaction cannot complete in my shop but I get the payment from buyer (the buyer may think the transaction is failure but why charge its fee).

> If you refresh your page after a few minutes, this should disappear and your shopping cart should also be cleared. And you should be able to see the order once it is validated.
This is problem that I meet now. I try to check my shop account after 10 minutes, the brought item is still in cart and no any transaction shown in my shop account... but paypal transaction is completed actually.

> Please confirm that your server is reachable from internet and from Paypal server.
My shop server can reach to internet... but if it is behind the firewall as I think... does it effect the data come back from paypal.


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Basically, Paypal server will post payment information back to PrestaShop. And PrestaShop based on received post back information to generate the order. If your server reachable from Paypal server, then there should be no problem. It depends on the firewall setting, usually should be OK.

There are many causes to lead that order data is not generated. It is difficult to figure out without look into the code and do testing on it. if you could share you site URL (or by PM) maybe I can take a quick look for you.

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Thanks for sending me all information.
I signed up an account at your store, and tried to make a test order.
But I am not able to log in to buyer's account at payment for test order.
I am not able to log in to Paypal Sanbox account (Main account) either.
And I tried your information for FTP connection is also failed.
But you back office log in is OK.

Because I can not do test order, and can not access your site code, so I created a test IPN data and post the data by HTML directly your site validation page. The IPN data I posted was processed, See atatched screen for the order - linked to cart 13. Payment error because the data I posted is not correct.

So it means the there is no problem with connection. I have no idea what is the problem. Sorry.


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I changed your paypal account to use my Sanbox account and made another test order.
The order appears in less than 5 seconds.
Everything works fines. I think there is no problem with your PrestaShip shop and Paypal module.

Please see attached screen about the order I made.


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Thanks, shokinro. I see your order in my shop. It is a fantastic! It seems the problem not come from my prestashop but in my paypal sandbox setting. May I know your setting of seller account of paypal sandbox. I see the following url:
and do the same setting...

IPN notification:
Notification URL:
Message delivery: Enabled

Auto Return for Website Payments:
Auto return: off
Return url: http://
Payment Data Transfer: off
Block Non-encrypted Website Payment: off
PayPal Account Optional: on
Contact Telephone Number: off
Support giropay and bank transfer payments: no

Am I do the miss setting to fit with prestashop?

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