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PS How to set hourly discounts instead of days?


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Is there a way we can set a discount in hours instead of a full day? by that I mean I want to choose something sooner than the end of today or tomorrow.

When I go to product page > add specific price, I choose the date and when I click apply I see that it sets the date to (From 2018-11-27 00:00:00 to 2018-11-28 00:00:00).

I tried to input something like 2018-11-27 20:00:00 in the date field but it's not allowing me to do that, so it's only applying discounts per day.

Any other ways to achieve this? sometime we want to do flash sales that are only live for minutes or something like 6 hours, not a full day.

We should be able to input time & date instead of just time! that way we can have better control over this. I googled this but I can't find a single thing on the internet regarding this matter.

Edited by BlackEdition (see edit history)
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Ok, so I see there is an option to set minutes and even seconds when I go to catalog > discounts (when using cart/catalog price rules). But I don't prefer doing it that way, and also because I don't see a way to choose a single product when doing it with this method.

We also don't have a lot of products, so doing it from inside the product page using "set specific price" is a better way but unfortunately there's no way to choose less than a day.

So Im stuck! Is this a bug or what? I've always wondered how to do this but I never had time to look into it until now.

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Thanks, im sure this can be solved with using external modules but this is getting way expensive for a small store like mine with all the modules that I have, having to buy modules for very simple solutions like this is not ideal.

Hopefully they add/fix this in the next 1.7.5 update because I saw something there about adding the ability to edit a specific price after you apply it (now you can only remove it to change something).

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