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Download products - File sizes again

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I am testing PrestaShop at the moment and like it so far. I think with some extra modules it should do the job very well.

But for now I still have one problem - large file uploads/downloads.
I used the manual FTP method, first uploading a small file, uploading the correct file via FTP and then rename it - that seemed to work.
When buying and then downloading, the download starts and seems to run through - but it shows a wrong file size (about 610mb instead of 640mb), the downloaded zip then does not open.
I only found hints to change htaccess files when it came to upload limits - is there something similar for downloads too? Could be the case, because I guess the download file also has to be processed by PHP.

So is there something I can do to make this work?

P.S I noticed that there´s the Batch Downloadable Product Module. I will probably get this, because it would make the product creation easier - but I guess it won´t solve the problem with larege files to download?

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just noticed that actually even the file size is correct, looked at the wrong numbers.
So the for the customer the link works, you can download the file - but then windows tells me that the file is corrupt. I tried it with zip file and also with 7z, both with the same result.
So I could live with the manual FTP upload workaround - but of course the file then should be okay.

Hopefully someone has an idea why this doesn´t work. By the way, I am using the latest stable release of Presta.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have exactly this same problem. I need to upload new files via ftp every time we update the data in the product files. I change the name to the hash filename. Then when a customer orders the file, the zip file is corrupt. I've set all the upload/download capacities to more than cover the size of my large (90MB+) files. We've been trying to get PrestaShop up and running for three months now. Any help will be appreciated!!!

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hi, Prestashop 1.3 hat a small bug. On some php files you have to remove empty lines at the end of the code. After that it worked like a charm. Can´t rememebr the files, but it was listed as a know issue, so you should be able to find it.

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