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Impossible to add the product to the cart. textStatus: 'error' errorThrown: '' responseText:


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I updated from -> and unable to add a product by "Add to Cart" button to the shopping cart. Below is the error I receive. (I've researched the internet and disabled Ajax as a bandaide solution.)

"Impossible to add the product to the cart. textStatus: 'error' errorThrown: '' responseText:"

Anyone have experience with this issue and can help? 

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Thanks. It was actually a 35 second delay to load a product in the cart so AJAX is back on. The BO takes 9 seconds to load the dashboard and 37 seconds to load the homepage. PHP version was PHP7 and now PHP5.6; running



Load Time    29380 ms - You'd better run your shop on a toaster
Querying Time    18674 ms
Queries    146
Memory Peak Usage    27.9 Mb
Included Files    206 files - 3.68 Mb
PrestaShop Cache    - Mb
Global vars    0.58 Mb
PrestaShop Version
PHP Version    5.6.38 (OK)
MySQL Version    5.5.60-0+deb7u1-log (Consider upgrading)
Memory Limit    -1
Max Execution Time    50000s
Smarty Cache    disabled
Smarty Compilation    auto


Time    Cumulated Time    Memory Usage    Memory Peak Usage
config    2656 ms    2656 ms    10.62 Mb    10.76 Mb
__construct    0 ms    2656 ms    - Mb    10.76 Mb
init    1391 ms    4046 ms    3.44 Mb    14.17 Mb
checkAccess    0 ms    4046 ms    - Mb    14.17 Mb
setMedia    2 ms    4048 ms    0.24 Mb    14.40 Mb
postProcess    0 ms    4048 ms    - Mb    14.40 Mb
initHeader    0 ms    4048 ms    0.01 Mb    14.40 Mb
initContent    20861 ms    24909 ms    11.13 Mb    25.73 Mb
initFooter    2304 ms    27213 ms    0.89 Mb    26.56 Mb
display    2167 ms    29380 ms    1.22 Mb    27.94 Mb
Hook    Time    Memory Usage
hookdisplayHomeTab    7966 ms    2.25 Mb
hookdisplayTop    3319 ms    1.00 Mb
hookfooter    1618 ms    1.00 Mb
hookdisplayNav    1102 ms    0.75 Mb
hookdisplayTopColumn    252 ms    - Mb
hookdisplayHomeTabContent    250 ms    0.75 Mb
__construct    166 ms    6.25 Mb
hookhome    129 ms    - Mb
hookdisplayHome    121 ms    - Mb
hookdisplayFooter    118 ms    - Mb
hookdisplayHeader    105 ms    - Mb
hookheader    3 ms    - Mb
hooktop    0 ms    - Mb
13 hooks    15150 ms    12.00 Mb



Queries  of 146 looks high? I've disabled stats modules, new products, and stopped using cache which saved 4 seconds.

What is going on, 4 days ago it did not behave like this. I remember when Apple slowed down it's phones, Prestashop would never do this. I've been at it for 4 hours.

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