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There is 0 item in your cart.


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I am having a problem with Prestashop which shows empty basket, 0 cost PFA the screenshot, Ok I tried everything updating many times prestashop from 1.7 all the way to the last beta, but wihout any result, the issue persisted, I debug the request "add to cart" and the json response contain the same value that are shown on the UI even though the product has price .., I disable all other possible options, like modules override, disable module, ssl, back to default template... but same issue, then I decided to install everything in my localhost same code same thing and it worked the only difference that I saw is that I am using localhost instead of my domain, so I add the domain to hosts file instead of localhost, update the entry on ps_shop then I got the problem again, so it's related somehow to the domain name...

Any idea how to solve this BIG problem



Screenshot 2018-11-21 at 17.05.53.png

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  • 4 months later...

Hi all,

I have the same problem with PS, when :

1/ a product page view is open by a visitor
2/ I change the stock to this product in the backoffice, to "0"
3/ the visitor can click to "add to cart" on the page => there are no product added in the cart but the message  "product successfully added to your shopping cart." appears in the popup.

Any idea ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

i have installed 1764 today and the same error appears : "There is 0 item in your cart".

I made several installs, from cpanel and manually, and the result is the same. I did not made any change to default configuration from backoffice.

I searched the web for solutions and no fix yet. Any idea ?

Thanks in advance.


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  • 3 weeks later...


Same problem for me : https://annaetmatteo.com

It happens on all new products here https://annaetmatteo.com/90-chaussons-bebes-prenoms

More over, I've tried to update the cart module and now I have created new issues. Had to come back to previous cart version. Now the pop up cart doesn't appears all the time and the cart doesn't update until you press F5.

Any idea ?


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