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[Solved]Changing Product Category location

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maybe this will help you out

edit product.tpl on your themes directory

find {$HOOK_PRODUCT_FOOTER} and cut {$HOOK_PRODUCT_FOOTER} then paste {$HOOK_PRODUCT_FOOTER} after customization_block class before "{if $packItems|@count > 0}" or that suits to your need

it will put modules that belong to product_footer hook at the bottom of customization_block class and more_info_block

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Just to make it clear, do I copy the hook and place it right before "{if $packItems|@count > 0}" or do I remove the hook and put it right before that line? I tried both.
How do I force compile, can't find it in the back office
I'm using

Edit: I found the problem, I deactivated force compile cuz my site was too slow thanks to the google analytics module.
I activated now and did what you said and it worked, thanks :D

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