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Problem with official PayPoint Module


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I am using the PayPoint module (developed by PrestaShop) but am having problems getting it working on the live setting.

I have figured out what the problem is. PayPoint calls the validation.php file in the module once the CC details have been entered and posts an encrypted string in the following format (the last string is the digest password).


PrestaShop generates the same encrypted string and the 2 are compared to see if the order is valid.

The problem is the bit of code 'Tools::getValue('amount')' in validation.php doesn't retrieve the amount of the order, thus the two encrypted strings are different and the order fails.

Has anyone seen this problem or have any idea how to get the Tools::getValue('amount') call to work?


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I discovered what the problem was.

PrestaShop passes the variable 'test_status' to PayPoint, but it is set to 'false', which is not recognised by PayPoint. It needs to be set to 'live' or not present at all when in live mode.

I have changed line 169 in paypoint.php and it works now:

$payPointParams['test_status'] = Configuration::get('PAYPOINT_MODE') == 1 ? 'true' : 'live';

I am still having problems however, as when an order is placed, the contents of the order are not shown in the order details in the orders tab. It is only because PayPoint sends an email with the order details that I know what is actually being ordered.

Pretty disappointed with this module seeing as it was developed by PrestaShop and I paid 200E.

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