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<SOLVED> "500 Internal Server Error" After choosing make payment through PAYPAL


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Hi Friends,

After choosing payment method as Paypal I am getting error as" "500 Internal Server Error" also its showing error in text as "Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."

So can anyone tell me why is it happening?


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Check the permissions on the payment module. Specifically, if the directories (/modules and /modules/paypal) are set to 777 change them to 755. If the files are set to 777, then change them all to 644.

If this resolves the problem, then you should go through all the directories and apply similar changes.


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  • 3 months later...

Dear Feeezo,

I will suggest you can delete previous paypal module and just paste new paypal module in module folder. Then install it from back office. I am sure it will resolve the issue.


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Dear Feeezo,

I will suggest you can delete previous paypal module and just paste new paypal module in module folder. Then install it from back office. I am sure it will resolve the issue.


Thank you Villas .. i would do this if the problem is in paypal only. but it seems that the problem is in all the payment modules!
moneybookers, COD, bankwire... all!

i think there is another issue

Thank you
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  • 3 weeks later...

How Sir,

I'm experience the same think, i use ps, how to solve ?
I had to convigure bankwire to chmod 755, but still 500 Internal Server Error

thanks for your help.


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