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How to display a specific attribute and image in that category


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I have a (combination) product with colour attributes. For example a balloon with the option to be green, red or yellow. I can specify the main/cover image of the product and I can also specify the product image for each attribute: a yellow balloon for yellow, a green balloon for green and a red balloon for red.
The reason why I group these balloons in the first place is to make the advanced package interesting. Then automatically another option/attribute will show up if the default one is out of stock.

2 questions are rising:

I would like to link the yellow balloon to a category named "yellow", a red balloon to the category "red" , ... Is that possible?

I also would like to show the green (which mostly is not the cover image) ballon if that specific colour is searched and that attribute preselected and the other options still possible. Is that possible?

Thanks in advance!

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1) No with default PrestaShop configuration. You will need custom development to achieve this

2) No with default PrestaShop search, however if you have 3rd party search module, you should ask developer of that module. 

Another way to do this, would be to create product for each color. So yellow balloon is one product and red balloon is another product. I saw some merchants do this way, but when maybe management of the products is more complicated. 

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