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changing currency of the BO

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I was hoping to be able to manage my Back Office in 1 currency and my Front Office in another. This doesn't seem possible.
I now need to change the currency in my BO. Therefore I must apply to my price & purchase price an exchange rate.
Is there other columns in other tables beside ps_product.price and ps_product.wholesale_price so I can run something like :

update `ps_product` set price= price * MYCOEFDHERE , wholesale_price =wholesale_price * MYCOEFDHERE where 1=1 ;

thank you for the help.

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yes, I noticed that. But unfortunately, I noticed that customers will leave right away the web site because it's not in their currency.
So, I don't even want to show them the option. I will manage my backoffice in the FO currency - not a big deal. I just want to make sure that I update all tables correctly.
Thank you for the help again !

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Ok Matthieu - I will ;
In the meantime, here is how I proceeded for those interested in a work around:

1 - backup the DB
2 - I'm not using the EAN13 or the Location field and I could not find where they would be shown in the FO.
Therefore I decided to move the wholesale price to the "EAN13" field and the sell price to the "location" field.
Then I ran the following SQL on my DB to accomplish it:
update `ps_product` set ean13 = wholesale_price , location = price where 1=1 ;
3 - I then changed the default currency of my shop Payment/Currency=> Default currency to Euro (I want to sell in Euro but I buy in USD)
4 - I then deleted the USD currency
5 - I updated my prices in Euro with an exchange rate
update `ps_product` set price= price * MYCOEFDHERE , wholesale_price =wholesale_price * MYCOEFDHERE where 1=1 ;
6 - review all product to make get rid of the rounding ( I do not want prices like 6.66Euro)

In case of error I would update back the prices from EAN13 and Location fields.

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