Alexandra-Ionela Posted November 11, 2018 Share Posted November 11, 2018 Buna ziua! Doresc sa schimb iconita cosului de cumparaturi din varianta desktop a site-ului cu o iconita din clasa Google Material Icons. Doresc aceasta schimbare deoarece iconitele Google Material Icons mi se par mult mai frumoase in comparatie cu cele incluse (Font Awesome) in tema Warehouse. Mentionez ca am adaugat codul pt iconitele Google Material Icons in headerul temei, am reusit sa schimb icoana cosului de cumparaturi si cea a user-ului din tema mobilă dar nu am reusit sa gasesc cum pot schimba si icoana cosului de cumparaturi din varianta Desktop a site-ului. Magazinul meu este bazat pe PrestaShop + tema Warehouse. Multumesc anticipat! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ploaie Posted November 12, 2018 Share Posted November 12, 2018 Posteaza si adresa magazinului. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alexandra-Ionela Posted November 12, 2018 Author Share Posted November 12, 2018 Buna seara! Magazinul este in modul "maintenance", va dau degeaba adresa. M-ar ajuta calea catre fisierului fizic unde se afla codul sursa al cosului, ca sa schimb cu acest cod: <i class="material-icons">shopping_basket</i> Multumesc! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alexandra-Ionela Posted November 12, 2018 Author Share Posted November 12, 2018 6 hours ago, ploaie said: Posteaza si adresa magazinului. Buna seara! Magazinul este in modul "maintenance", va dau adresa degeaba. M-ar ajuta calea catre fisierului fizic unde se afla codul sursa al cosului, ca sa schimb cu acest cod: <i class="material-icons">shopping_basket</i> Multumesc! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ionut Resnoveanu Posted December 2, 2018 Share Posted December 2, 2018 Iconita cosului nu o vei gasi in fisierele temei, ci in modulul cosului de cumparaturi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alexandra-Ionela Posted December 3, 2018 Author Share Posted December 3, 2018 Va multumesc! Ma uit si vad daca pot rezolva ceva cu sugestia dvs. Multumesc inca odata! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alexandra-Ionela Posted December 3, 2018 Author Share Posted December 3, 2018 (edited) 22 hours ago, ionut_laur said: Iconita cosului nu o vei gasi in fisierele temei, ci in modulul cosului de cumparaturi. Nu am gasit nimic nici in modulul block cart al temei default nici in modulul block cart al temei custom pe care o detin Edited December 3, 2018 by Alexandra-Ionela mai multe detalii (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alexandra-Ionela Posted December 3, 2018 Author Share Posted December 3, 2018 (edited) 23 hours ago, ionut_laur said: Iconita cosului nu o vei gasi in fisierele temei, ci in modulul cosului de cumparaturi. Din punctul meu de vedere nu ced ca, codul iconitei cosului de cumparaturi s-ar afla in folderul module al platformei ci mai degraba tot printre fisierele temei custom (Warehouse) Edited December 3, 2018 by Alexandra-Ionela edit (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ionut Resnoveanu Posted December 3, 2018 Share Posted December 3, 2018 (edited) M-am uitat pe demo-ul temei, iconita este pusa din css. Cauta in modulul de cos al temei warehouse: <span class="cart_name">Cart</span> si pune in el iconita ta. Nu te mai uita in tema default, ca nu ai treaba cu ea. Adauga si regula asta de css, sa nu iti mai apara vechea iconita .shopping_cart > a:first-child span.cart_name:before {display: none;} sau sterge regula asta: .shopping_cart > a:first-child span.cart_name:before { content: "\f07a"; font-family: "FontAwesome"; display: inline-block; font-size: 16px; color: #fff; padding-right: 10px; float: left; } Edited December 3, 2018 by ionut_laur (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alexandra-Ionela Posted December 10, 2018 Author Share Posted December 10, 2018 (edited) Buna seara! Mai exact unde trebuie sa adaug iconita coșului, în /public_html/themes/warehouse/css/modules/blockcart sau in /public_html/themes/warehouse/modules/blockcart? Am inteles, trebuie adaugata linia de cod de mai jos ca sa nu mai apara vechea iconita dar unde pun linia de cod a cosului, m am uitat prin blockcart.tpl si nu am gasit nimic care sa mi spuna ceva. Va atașez tot codul din blockcart.tpl. Va multumesc mult pt ajutor! <!-- MODULE Block cart --> {if isset($blockcart_top) && $blockcart_top} <div id="shopping_cart_container" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-{4-$warehouse_vars.logo_width/2} clearfix{if $PS_CATALOG_MODE} header_user_catalog{/if}"> {/if} <div class="shopping_cart"> <a href="{$link->getPageLink($order_process, true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='View my shopping cart' mod='blockcart'}" rel="nofollow"> <span class="cart_name">{l s='Cart' mod='blockcart'}</span><div class="more_info"> <span class="ajax_cart_quantity{if $cart_qties == 0} unvisible{/if}">{$cart_qties}</span> <span class="ajax_cart_product_txt{if $cart_qties != 1} unvisible{/if}">{l s='Product' mod='blockcart'}:</span> <span class="ajax_cart_product_txt_s{if $cart_qties < 2} unvisible{/if}">{l s='Products' mod='blockcart'}:</span> <span class="ajax_cart_total{if $cart_qties == 0} unvisible{/if}"> {if $cart_qties > 0} {if $priceDisplay == 1} {assign var='blockcart_cart_flag' value='Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING'|constant} {convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(false, $blockcart_cart_flag)} {else} {assign var='blockcart_cart_flag' value='Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING'|constant} {convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(true, $blockcart_cart_flag)} {/if} {/if} </span> <span class="ajax_cart_no_product{if $cart_qties > 0} unvisible{/if}">{l s='(empty)' mod='blockcart'}</span> {if $ajax_allowed && isset($blockcart_top) && !$blockcart_top} <span class="block_cart_expand{if !isset($colapseExpandStatus) || (isset($colapseExpandStatus) && $colapseExpandStatus eq 'expanded')} unvisible{/if}"> </span> <span class="block_cart_collapse{if isset($colapseExpandStatus) && $colapseExpandStatus eq 'collapsed'} unvisible{/if}"> </span> {/if} </div> </a> {if !$PS_CATALOG_MODE} <div class="cart_block block exclusive"> <div class="block_content"> <!-- block list of products --> <div class="cart_block_list{if isset($blockcart_top) && !$blockcart_top}{if isset($colapseExpandStatus) && $colapseExpandStatus eq 'expanded' || !$ajax_allowed || !isset($colapseExpandStatus)} expanded{else} collapsed unvisible{/if}{/if}"> {if $products} <dl class="products"> {foreach from=$products item='product' name='myLoop'} {assign var='productId' value=$product.id_product} {assign var='productAttributeId' value=$product.id_product_attribute} <dt data-id="cart_block_product_{$product.id_product|intval}_{if $product.id_product_attribute}{$product.id_product_attribute|intval}{else}0{/if}_{if $product.id_address_delivery}{$product.id_address_delivery|intval}{else}0{/if}" class="{if $smarty.foreach.myLoop.first}first_item{elseif $smarty.foreach.myLoop.last}last_item{else}item{/if}"> <a class="cart-images" href="{$link->getProductLink($product.id_product, $product.link_rewrite, $product.category)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"><img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'cart_default')}" alt="{$|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" /></a> <div class="cart-info"> <div class="product-name"> <span class="quantity-formated"><span class="quantity">{$product.cart_quantity}</span> x </span><a class="cart_block_product_name" href="{$link->getProductLink($product, $product.link_rewrite, $product.category, null, null, $product.id_shop, $product.id_product_attribute)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">{$|truncate:45:'...'|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</a> </div> {if isset($product.attributes_small)} <div class="product-atributes"> <a href="{$link->getProductLink($product, $product.link_rewrite, $product.category, null, null, $product.id_shop, $product.id_product_attribute)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Product detail' mod='blockcart'}">{$product.attributes_small}</a> </div> {/if} <span class="price"> {if !isset($product.is_gift) || !$product.is_gift} {if $priceDisplay == $smarty.const.PS_TAX_EXC}{displayWtPrice p="`$`"}{else}{displayWtPrice p="`$product.total_wt`"}{/if} <div class="hookDisplayProductPriceBlock-price"> {hook h="displayProductPriceBlock" product=$product type="price" from="blockcart"} </div> {else} {l s='Free!' mod='blockcart'} {/if} </span> </div> <span class="remove_link"> {if !isset($customizedDatas.$productId.$productAttributeId) && (!isset($product.is_gift) || !$product.is_gift)} <a class="ajax_cart_block_remove_link" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart', true, NULL, "delete=1&id_product={$product.id_product|intval}&ipa={$product.id_product_attribute|intval}&id_address_delivery={$product.id_address_delivery|intval}&token={$static_token}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" rel="nofollow" title="{l s='remove this product from my cart' mod='blockcart'}"> </a> {/if} </span> </dt> {if isset($product.attributes_small)} <dd data-id="cart_block_combination_of_{$product.id_product|intval}{if $product.id_product_attribute}_{$product.id_product_attribute|intval}{/if}_{$product.id_address_delivery|intval}" class="{if $smarty.foreach.myLoop.first}first_item{elseif $smarty.foreach.myLoop.last}last_item{else}item{/if}"> {/if} <!-- Customizable datas --> {if isset($customizedDatas.$productId.$productAttributeId[$product.id_address_delivery])} {if !isset($product.attributes_small)} <dd data-id="cart_block_combination_of_{$product.id_product|intval}_{if $product.id_product_attribute}{$product.id_product_attribute|intval}{else}0{/if}_{if $product.id_address_delivery}{$product.id_address_delivery|intval}{else}0{/if}" class="{if $smarty.foreach.myLoop.first}first_item{elseif $smarty.foreach.myLoop.last}last_item{else}item{/if}"> {/if} <ul class="cart_block_customizations" data-id="customization_{$productId}_{$productAttributeId}"> {foreach from=$customizedDatas.$productId.$productAttributeId[$product.id_address_delivery] key='id_customization' item='customization' name='customizations'} <li name="customization"> <div data-id="deleteCustomizableProduct_{$id_customization|intval}_{$product.id_product|intval}_{$product.id_product_attribute|intval}_{$product.id_address_delivery|intval}" class="deleteCustomizableProduct"> <a class="ajax_cart_block_remove_link" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart', true, NULL, "delete=1&id_product={$product.id_product|intval}&ipa={$product.id_product_attribute|intval}&id_customization={$id_customization|intval}&token={$static_token}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" rel="nofollow"> </a> </div> {if isset($customization.datas.$CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD.0)} {$customization.datas.$CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD.0.value|replace:"<br />":" "|truncate:28:'...'|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} {else} {l s='Customization #%d:' sprintf=$id_customization|intval mod='blockcart'} {/if} </li> {/foreach} </ul> {if !isset($product.attributes_small)}</dd>{/if} {/if} {if isset($product.attributes_small)}</dd>{/if} {/foreach} </dl> {/if} <p class="cart_block_no_products{if $products} unvisible{/if}"> {l s='No products' mod='blockcart'} </p> {if $discounts|@count > 0} <table class="vouchers{if $discounts|@count == 0} unvisible{/if}"> {foreach from=$discounts item=discount} {if $discount.value_real > 0} <tr class="bloc_cart_voucher" data-id="bloc_cart_voucher_{$discount.id_discount|intval}"> <td class="quantity">1x</td> <td class="name" title="{$discount.description}"> {$|truncate:18:'...'|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} </td> <td class="price"> -{if $priceDisplay == 1}{convertPrice price=$discount.value_tax_exc}{else}{convertPrice price=$discount.value_real}{/if} </td> <td class="delete"> {if strlen($discount.code)} <a class="delete_voucher" href="{$link->getPageLink("$order_process", true)}?deleteDiscount={$discount.id_discount|intval}" title="{l s='Delete' mod='blockcart'}" rel="nofollow"> </a> {/if} </td> </tr> {/if} {/foreach} </table> {/if} {assign var='free_ship' value=count($cart->getDeliveryAddressesWithoutCarriers(true, $errors))} <div class="cart-prices"> <div class="cart-prices-line first-line"> <span class="price cart_block_shipping_cost ajax_cart_shipping_cost{if !($page_name == 'order-opc') && $shipping_cost_float == 0 && (!$cart_qties || $cart->isVirtualCart() || !isset($cart->id_address_delivery) || !$cart->id_address_delivery || $free_ship)} unvisible{/if}"> {if $shipping_cost_float == 0} {if !($page_name == 'order-opc') && (!isset($cart->id_address_delivery) || !$cart->id_address_delivery)}{l s='To be determined' mod='blockcart'}{else}{l s='Free shipping!' mod='blockcart'}{/if} {else} {$shipping_cost} {/if} </span> <span{if !($page_name == 'order-opc') && $shipping_cost_float == 0 && (!$cart_qties || $cart->isVirtualCart() || !isset($cart->id_address_delivery) || !$cart->id_address_delivery || $free_ship)} class="unvisible"{/if}> {l s='Shipping' mod='blockcart'} </span> </div> {if $show_wrapping} <div class="cart-prices-line"> {assign var='cart_flag' value='Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING'|constant} <span class="price cart_block_wrapping_cost"> {if $priceDisplay == 1} {convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(false, $cart_flag)}{else}{convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(true, $cart_flag)} {/if} </span> <span> {l s='Wrapping' mod='blockcart'} </span> </div> {/if} {if $show_tax && isset($tax_cost)} <div class="cart-prices-line"> <span class="price cart_block_tax_cost ajax_cart_tax_cost">{$tax_cost}</span> <span>{l s='Tax' mod='blockcart'}</span> </div> {/if} <div class="cart-prices-line last-line"> <span class="price cart_block_total ajax_block_cart_total">{$total}</span> <span>{l s='Total' mod='blockcart'}</span> </div> {if $use_taxes && $display_tax_label && $show_tax} <p> {if $priceDisplay == 0} {l s='Prices are tax included' mod='blockcart'} {elseif $priceDisplay == 1} {l s='Prices are tax excluded' mod='blockcart'} {/if} </p> {/if} </div> <p class="cart-buttons"> <a id="button_order_cart" class="btn btn-default button button-medium" href="{$link->getPageLink("$order_process", true)|escape:"html":"UTF-8"}" title="{l s='Check out' mod='blockcart'}" 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mod='blockcart'} <span id="layer_cart_product_price"></span></strong> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layer_cart_cart col-xs-12 col-md-6"> <h5 class="overall_cart_title"> <!-- Plural Case [both cases are needed because page may be updated in Javascript] --> <span class="ajax_cart_product_txt_s {if $cart_qties < 2} unvisible{/if}"> {l s='There are [1]%d[/1] items in your cart.' mod='blockcart' sprintf=[$cart_qties] tags=['<span class="ajax_cart_quantity">']} </span> <!-- Singular Case [both cases are needed because page may be updated in Javascript] --> <span class="ajax_cart_product_txt {if $cart_qties > 1} unvisible{/if}"> {l s='There is 1 item in your cart.' mod='blockcart'} </span> </h5> <div class="layer_cart_row"> {l s='Total products' mod='blockcart'} {if $use_taxes && $display_tax_label && $show_tax} {if $priceDisplay == 1} {l s='(tax excl.)' mod='blockcart'} {else} {l s='(tax incl.)' mod='blockcart'} {/if} {/if} <span class="ajax_block_products_total"> {if $cart_qties > 0} {convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS)} {/if} </span> </div> {if $show_wrapping} <div class="layer_cart_row"> {l s='Wrapping' mod='blockcart'} {if $display_tax_label} {if $priceDisplay == 1} {l s='(tax excl.)' mod='blockcart'} {else} {l s='(tax incl.)' mod='blockcart'} {/if} {/if} <span class="price cart_block_wrapping_cost"> {if $priceDisplay == 1} {convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING)} {else} {convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING)} {/if} </span> </div> {/if} <div class="layer_cart_row ajax_shipping-container"> <strong class="dark{if $shipping_cost_float == 0 && (!$cart_qties || $cart->isVirtualCart() || !isset($cart->id_address_delivery) || !$cart->id_address_delivery)} unvisible{/if}"> {l s='Total shipping' mod='blockcart'} {if $use_taxes && $display_tax_label && $show_tax}{if $priceDisplay == 1}{l s='(tax excl.)' mod='blockcart'}{else}{l s='(tax incl.)' mod='blockcart'}{/if}{/if} </strong> <span class="ajax_cart_shipping_cost{if $shipping_cost_float == 0 && (!isset($cart->id_address_delivery) || !$cart->id_address_delivery)} unvisible{/if}"> {if $shipping_cost_float == 0} {if (!isset($cart->id_address_delivery) || !$cart->id_address_delivery)}{l s='To be determined' mod='blockcart'}{else}{l s='Free shipping!' mod='blockcart'}{/if} {else} {$shipping_cost} {/if} </span> </div> {if $show_tax && isset($tax_cost)} <div class="layer_cart_row"> {l s='Tax' mod='blockcart'}: <span class="price cart_block_tax_cost ajax_cart_tax_cost">{$tax_cost}</span> </div> {/if} <div class="layer_cart_row"> <strong> {l s='Total' mod='blockcart'} {if $use_taxes && $display_tax_label && $show_tax} {if $priceDisplay == 1} {l s='(tax excl.)' mod='blockcart'} {else} {l s='(tax incl.)' mod='blockcart'} {/if} {/if} <span class="ajax_block_cart_total"> {if $cart_qties > 0} {if $priceDisplay == 1} {convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(false)} {else} {convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(true)} {/if} {/if} </span> </strong> </div> </div> </div> <div class="button-container clearfix"> <div class="pull-right"> <span class="continue btn btn-default" title="{l s='Continue shopping' mod='blockcart'}"> <span> <i class="icon-chevron-left left"></i> {l s='Continue shopping' mod='blockcart'} </span> </span> <a class="btn btn-default button button-medium" href="{$link->getPageLink("$order_process", true)|escape:"html":"UTF-8"}" title="{l s='Proceed to checkout' mod='blockcart'}" rel="nofollow"> <span> {l s='Proceed to checkout' mod='blockcart'} <i class="icon-chevron-right right"></i> </span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="crossseling"></div> </div> <!-- #layer_cart --> <div class="layer_cart_overlay"></div> {/if} {strip} {addJsDef CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD=$CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD} {addJsDef img_dir=$img_dir|escape:'quotes':'UTF-8'} {addJsDef generated_date=$|intval} {addJsDef ajax_allowed=$ajax_allowed|boolval} {addJsDef hasDeliveryAddress=(isset($cart->id_address_delivery) && $cart->id_address_delivery)} {addJsDefL name=customizationIdMessage}{l s='Customization #' mod='blockcart' js=1}{/addJsDefL} {addJsDefL name=removingLinkText}{l s='remove this product from my cart' mod='blockcart' js=1}{/addJsDefL} {addJsDefL name=freeShippingTranslation}{l s='Free shipping!' mod='blockcart' js=1}{/addJsDefL} {addJsDefL name=freeProductTranslation}{l s='Free!' mod='blockcart' js=1}{/addJsDefL} {addJsDefL name=delete_txt}{l s='Delete' mod='blockcart' js=1}{/addJsDefL} {addJsDefL name=toBeDetermined}{l s='To be determined' mod='blockcart' js=1}{/addJsDefL} {/strip} <!-- /MODULE Block cart --> Edited December 10, 2018 by Alexandra-Ionela corectie (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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