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Regenerated thumbnails..pictures gone!

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After regenerating thumbnails, several product pictures are gone. What can have caused this? And more important, how do I get the product pics to show again?

Prestashop 1.2.5

Sorry, no help. Just wanted to let you know how you feel. Had the same and never touched this option again since then. I actually had to manually add all pics again. maybe there is a faster workaround but back then I had not the time to wait for a solution and instead chose the manual approach.

nonetheless I am interested how to prevent such a behaviour in the future, should I ever need to regenerate thumbnails again. Which would be btw a reason to do this?

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Most likely there was a timeout before all the images could get regenerated.

In later PS version it was fixed to resume, but in 1.2.5, the only thing you can do is increase the php timeout settings on your server.

You should contact your host and ask them as different hosts have different ways of changing that.

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Thank you all

I downloaded a modified version of adminimages.php I found in this forum (thanks Yvan02!). With it, it is possible to just regenerate 100-200 thumbnails at a time. Then the timeout is not an issue anymore. Works perfectly!
Of course, in the future I would like to upgrade to a final release of 1.4, but I am just too concerned that my theme and modifications will go down the drain

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