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fresh install, can't login to the back-office


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after fresh install on a new Virtual machine (locally on my pc) of PS v. 1 .7.4.3 I can login to the front office of my shop but I can't access to the back-office.

I received the error "there's an error. Dependent account non existent or bad password"

Try to recover passowrd by means of Firefox and Chrome but the Forgot My Passowrd Button did not send me any message.

Frustrating. How can I solve ? Should I config again the store and reset everything ?

I already completed installation, and cut the \install folder and tried to login in \admin_random_numbers folder.

Thanks for help in advance. have a nice day.


Edited by Marco
image contained my personal email address (see edit history)
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Thanks a lot Music Master ! I did not solve but I'm grateful for your help :-)

After trying to "hack" the password as you said I downloaded v. and did another fresh install on a new virtual host.

Compared to the previous installation I changed the browser (Chrome instead of Firefox), I created the VirtualHost in Apache by means of the Virtual host management form accessible by the WampServer dedicated menu I'm using and I named the shop with a simple name without using special characters.

Honestly don't know why, but now it works :-)

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