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Newsletter Verification from Footer (BlockNewsletter) and subscription doesn't work

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Hello the community,

I met a strange issue with my Prestashop - Indeed, email test, email to confirm order, welcome mail etc are correctly sent. But, if the user subscripe to newsletter from the Block or if the customer check in the box when subscribe, no email are sent.

What I do:

* Check with DEBUG - No error related

* Check Mail config - As specified, test mail and many others are sent.

* Reinitialize the module - Done, no effect

* Check translation - I've find many subjects in the forum about translation, all email are in the '/fr' folder, a full lang.php is setup ... but if I look trough the backoffice in translation part, I have not the field to update the subject because it doesn't find it in DB. (What the hell, it's a official module ...) but seems not from this side ...


Where I Am:

*Lost :(


Do you have an idea ?


Thanks !


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