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Hiding single pages from a module

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on my shop I have several CMS pages, that are divided in categories.
Now for those I made a new module that replaces the default shop category module only on cms pages.
Basically looks like this now:

Category 1
- id_cms=1
- id_cms=2

Category 2
- id_cms=3
- id_cms=4

...and so on, for a total of 4 "categories".

Now I am trying only to get the navigation of the active category to show, for example when I am on page id_cms=1, only Category 1 should be visible. Here is what I tried:

{if $smarty.get.id_cms == 1 AND if $smarty.get.id_cms == 2}

CMS Page 1
CMS Page 2

{if $smarty.get.id_cms == 3 AND if $smarty.get.id_cms == 4}

CMS Page 3
CMS Page 4


That produces an error. something about unexpected T_IF. I've tried several variations of this, like using != on those that aren't active.

Is there any way to make this work? I know I could just make an extra module for each category but I'd rather get it working in this one.

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