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Recover prestahop 1.0

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I tried to update to version 1.1, not worked for me. :-(

I'm trying to recover version 1.0 installed before:

-I have a dump of my sql database,
-and my files backup on pc (that was a downloaded) and also on server in a subfolder.

No problem for database, it's there.
I have tried to upload my files, AND/OR move files from subfolder to root.

But I have a blank page on home of prestashop user.

Only in admin I could see all my information is there.

So my question is how to backup so that the shop is like before?
Do I have to reinstall?

Thanks for a msg


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Hi! thanks for answer.

That's what I've done.
Uploaded files and reset, import database, all is in admin.

But homepage prestashop is blank.

And I have to give newly write 777 on folders and files on server, it's long.

I do not understand why my recover backup do not function. Theres is a index.php there in root.

You have an idea?

Thanks, regards

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  • 1 year later...

I have the same issue: blank homepage but everything still shows in back-office/admin.

I uploaded some test .csv files and they worked fine. The last one I uploaded, it threw an error (I don't remember what it said) and now my site is just a blank page.

This has happened before. So I just rolled up my sleeves and re-installed. Now that this has happened again, I tried restoring my backed up files and database and still get blank page. I asked my hosting support why the backups aren't working and the response is "...I noticed there's something wrong with the application but you should contact the vendor (prestashop)." I asked if they could tell me what they noticed is wrong with the application but they could not/did not provide details.

I'd really don't want to re-install. Any ideas/suggestions on the specific folders I might replace instead of full re-install?

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