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Unable to create an admin controller

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Hello, Im trying to create my adminModuleController in Prestashop 1.7.4. Response : Not found



In install():

        return parent::install() &&
            $this->registerHook('header') &&
            $this->createTab() &&

When I create tab

    public function createTab(){
        $invisible_tab = new Tab();
        $invisible_tab->active = 1;
        $invisible_tab->class_name = 'AdminTeinorUltraBanner';
        $invisible_tab->name = array();
        foreach (Language::getLanguages(true) as $lang) {
            $invisible_tab->name[$lang['id_lang']] = $this->l('A name which is never shown');
        $invisible_tab->id_parent = -1;
        $invisible_tab->module = $this->name;
        return true;

When I try to get Controller Link



Controller code:


class AdminTeinorUltraBannerController extends ModuleAdminController
  public function __construct()
    $this->bootstrap = true;
    $this->table         = 'AdminTeinorUltraBanner';
    $this->className     = 'AdminTeinorUltraBanner';





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Do you have debug mode on? Any errors?

In your createTab function don't just return true, make it "return $invisible_tab->add();". This way you know if tab is created.

If I remember correctly though, you can't use $this->l function during install, since the module isn't installed yet. Just use a fixed text for the tab name, since it isn't going to be used anyway. This might be why your tab creation is failing, but you never notice it because the function is always return true so the module installs without any errors.

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  • [object Object] changed the title to Unable to create an admin controller

class AdminCotizadorController extends ModuleAdminController
    public $path = 'modules/cotizador/views/';
    public function __construct()
        $this->bootstrap = true;

    public function initContent()
		/*template_dir is setted at module main php $this->template_dir = '../../../../modules/'.$this->name.'/views/templates/admin/';*/
        $this->setTemplate($this->module->template_dir . 'admin.tpl');

This is my PHP Code, path is /modulename/controllers/admin/AdminModuleName.php and installTab method, I hope can I help you

public function installTab()
        $tab = new Tab();
        $tab->active = 1;
		//PHP admin controller name 
        $tab->class_name = "AdminCotizador";
        $tab->name = array();
		//Set the icon at Admin Dashboard
        $tab->icon = 'aspect_ratio';
        foreach (Language::getLanguages(true) as $lang) {
            $tab->name[$lang['id_lang']] = "Cotizaciones";
        $tab->id_parent = 2;
        $tab->position = 6;
        $tab->module = $this->name;
        return $tab->add();


Edited by PMunoz92 (see edit history)
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  • 1 year later...



Lo que te falte hacer seguramente es "reinicializar" el módulo desde el backoffice.... despues de hacerlo me ha funcionado, he tomado como guia el módulo:

blockreassurance -> controllers -> admin -> AdminBlockListingController.php


Si te fijas en el nombre del fichero no importa que no aparezca el nombre del módulo, lo que si debe coincidir es el nombre del fichero con el de la clase,

class AdminBlockListingController extends ModuleAdminController


Para llegar a esta conclusión he renombrado el controlador y la clase y no funcionaba... solo despues de reinicializar el módulo es que lo toma en cuenta como URL nueva,



Espero os sirva,





  • Thanks 1
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