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How to call for new curreny in the V1.1?

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Installed V1.1, and it's very nice I must say. Some good new modules =)

However, I'm not sure on how to get the currencies to work. In my old template, I had the following:


   <form id="setCurrency" action="#" method="post">

               <input type="hidden" name="id_currency" id="id_currency" value=""/>
               <input type="hidden" name="SubmitCurrency" value="" />


So it was an image, with the links to change currency mapped onto the image. When one of the currency links what clicked on, the curreny would change to that corresponding ID. However, in V1.1, when you click on one of the change currency links, I get a blank page that just says "null".

Any ideas on how to get this working?

Thanks in advance!

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