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Block newsletter sur page maintenance

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I am looking desperately for a solution !

I wish to block the newsletter on my page maintenance. I saw a module, but the link no longer works.

So I learned to create a hook, so I got a little late in my misery ... only it does not appear on my page maintenance

In the database I create a name ps_hook maintenance.

I added in header.php 'HOOK_MAINTENANCE' => Module:: hookExec ('now'),
Then I added the following function in the file blocknewsletter.php: function hookMaintenance ($ params) {return $ this-> hookLeftColumn ($ params);}

and in the file maintenance.tpl I added to the desired location: {$} HOOK_MAINTENANCE

I could then graft the module via the admin: in modules / Position

My new and all beautiful hook so well displayed in the back office, the newsletter is well block it, but nothing in my maintenance page!

I also tried''to call''the file block in file maintenance.tpl newsletter this way:

{include file = $ tpl_dir. / blocknewsletter.tpl} div>

The block appears, but nothing happens when you register ...

I miss that he essential?

Have you any ideas please?
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