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Problem with

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First, I tried to upgrade a 1.2.5 shop, no luck, got the infamous
"Ajax: parse error"

Next, installed new shop, trying to get things setup. All modules and settings were done manually.
Everything looks good except how on earth can I transfer my old categories and products from my
old 1.2.5 shop to this new shop?

BTW, that error I got needs to be fixed. It is also very prudent that you provide more/better information
about what caused it.

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My theme, et-cleanblue (modified colors only) has includes in a lot of templates that look like this:

{include file=$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl}

All the includes need to be modified like this to work in Smarty 3:

{include file="{$tpl_dir}/breadcrumb.tpl"} 

or this:

{include file="{$tpl_dir}/product-list.tpl" products=$products}

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