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What specifically do you not understand ?


This is a module block (Back Office >> Modules), which also means you can hook it into either the right or left column.


Add an RSS bloc and then click "Configure" in the module list.


And it should work :)

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Is there any good tutorials on-line that explains ho to genorate RSS feeds? I once made one manually but it was painful  ;D It would be great to have an RSS to display new products and things, so that visitors could use there RSS syndicator to know whats been released without visiting the site.

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I'm sure someone will eventually create an RSS feed generator module for PrestaShop but

if you want something now and don't want to create it manually, you can use services like

Feed43 and Dapper.


Here's an example "New products" feed for the official PrestaShop demo:



Visit this link if you want to see what parameters I used:




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