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Please take some time searching the forum before asking questions for which you can find the answers yourself easily.

1.7.x is a rather controversial upgrade of Prestashop that is not compatible with 1.6.x. So you will need to need new modules and a new theme. The underlying database is largely the same but the structure of the software has changed.

Initially the 1.7 versions were rather unstable that has been mostly fixed. 

Most Prestashop users still stick to 1.6. There are also much more themes and modules available for 1.6.

Some people consider the software architecture of 1.7 more modern and more easy to develop for. Others hate the more complex Symfony based software and its often cryptic error messages. The decision is yours.

Functionally the versions are almost the same. The only real extra of 1.7 is multi-feature but on the other hand it misses a few minor 1.6 options. So usually upgrading just isn't worth the trouble.

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