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Contact Stripe en français

P i l o u

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Ca devait arriver un jour, j'ai un client qui conteste un achat.

Le règlement de la commande a été acceptée par Stripe.

La banque du client a contacté Stripe pour contesté l'opération.

Y a-t-il moyen de contacter Stripe en français ?
Quelqu'un aurait-il un mail ou un n° de téléphone en France svp ?


Voilà le contenu du mail reçu hier soir:

We're sorry to report that one of your customers has disputed a €662.50 charge (made through your account on October 12, 2018 (CEST)) with his or her credit card company. The cardholder is claiming that the payment was one that they did not authorize.
When one of your customers questions a charge, we're notified by their bank and pass on as much information to you as we receive. The good news is that you still have a chance to resolve the dispute by providing more information about your charge to the bank.

Disputes are handled by your customer's bank, so we don't have any specific information about how this payment will be reviewed. However, we do want you to have the best chance possible in responding to these disputes. We've put together detailed documentation that can be very helpful in understanding and responding to disputes:


 You can also read a bit about how we recommend responding to this specific type of dispute:


You can view all of the details about the disputed payment and respond to the dispute right from the dashboard of your account:


If you do choose to contest this dispute, you'll need to submit your dispute evidence by November 05, 2018 (CET). If you submit after this date, we cannot guarantee the bank will accept or review your evidence.

We realize how frustrating this can be. You can find answers to most questions at https://support.stripe.com/, and we'll be here to help you with any step along the way. Just reply to this email if you have questions.


The Stripe Team


Merci d'avance de votre aide.


Edited by P i l o u (see edit history)
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Salut, j'ai eu un souci avec un client pour 11, 50 il avait bloque le payement, Heureusement que Paypal connais ce type de gens, le type avait affirmer de ne pas avoir reçu son colis,  Alors qu'il l'avais reçu... Garde toujours le bon de la poste ou autres transporteurs

Edited by Soyons zen (see edit history)
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  • 4 months later...

Tout est bien qui finit bien :)


We have good news for you! The disputed payment from October 12, 2018 was successfully resolved in your favor by your customer's bank or credit card company. This means that the disputed amount and the dispute fee will not be deducted from your account.


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