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Layout Header Logo Problem, please Help!

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Hi All,

In the picture below, I have 3 things that I would like to know how to do:

1) I would like to replace the Sitemap in the header with "About us" And have a little icon attached to it (I can make an icon, I just need to replace the sitemaps icon, and of course its function to About us).

2) The searchbar I would like to move to besides the headerbar. Now I have a wider range for a logo in the middle and some pictures, or a logo inside a wider picture. So the area should be able to handle a wide logo.
I can in global css, at global layout, line 174; make the width from the logo to 80%. Then the searchbar goes down to approx. where I want it, but, thats not the correct way, because my searchbar was gone in IE, not in Chrome.

3) the other question is how I can make a 5th button, which I can connect to About us, or better Sitemap ( I want about us next to contact). And then the searchbar should be moved more to the right.

Can someone explain to me how I can make this work, please?
Thanks a lot!

Greetz, Don C.


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