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<SOLVED> "Add to Cart" option and product combination generator

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Hi All,

I'm new here so I hope I give enough info!!

I am setting up some test products. One product comes in 3 colours and 6 sizes so therefore has 18 combos using the combination generator. All good so far.

My problem occurs on my home page where I have a featured product section and a new product line up... These have an "add to cart" option and a "View Product" button.... When you click add to cart the first of the combinations is added (ie Small/Black) by default... I want the user offered the choice of size as if they have hit "View product"

Anyone come across this before??



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You can disable the add to cart button (using http://www.presto-changeo.com/attribute-modules/24-attribute-order.html or any of the other attribute modules)
The only module I know that lets you select attributes outside of the product page is http://www.presto-changeo.com/attribute-modules/59-product-list-attributes.html but it currently does not work for the featured products, only for category / manufacturer / supplier / search pages, but if you need it on the featured products, it can be added as a small custom change

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