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Right column blocks misplacing only in product.tpl

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I have a problem with right column blocks. They are okay on all other pages but only on product pages they are misplaced. You can see at www.littlehavanacigarfactory.com. I have tried to look into product.tpl but i couldn't find the solution. Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

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Hi jaymaster:
Looking your site I found where is the error.
Look in the other pages your div's order is this:

center_column, right_column
But in the product pages your div's orders is:


If you can see "Right_Column" in the first case is inside Content_Wrapper but in the second case "Right_Column" is outside Main_Content you need to correct this for your theme looks as you wish.

I hope this can help you.

Cristian Osvely Martinez
KALA Animation Studio

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First at all, you need to check the files:

You need to search for:
where is the point when "right_block" DIV begin and where is the close for this DIV.
You need to look for it very carefully.

Another point is that you need to check your global.css
Looking for some "clear:both" or "clear:right" or "clear:left" that may be giving the "right_block" some kind of force to down.

Sorry may english is not so good, so I hope can express myself so clear for you to understand what I am trying to tell you.

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Look my friend the normal way footer.tpl file have to be is:

        {if !$content_only}

<!-- Right -->


<!-- Footer -->

So if you can send me the 4 files I can take a look for you.


because I think that some tag is closing the wrapper div and leaving out the right column.

I guess this is an error in your theme.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

no barryk, problem still exist. i disabled the products and categories for now. because i don't want visitors to make any purchase. but if you click on this link, you can see specials category. and there's one item for example.

if you can see, at the specials page (as well as all other category list pages) right column menu is fine. but only at product pages, right menu is not in the right place. to see it click on the item please.

i have tried to look product.tpl but i could not find the right column...
thanks in advance.

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Yeah I saw the problem, I have exactly the same issue that I'm trying to sort out, Funnily enough when I change back my theme to prestashop default the right column block stays where they are suppose to be.

Have you contacted Dapur Pixel about this issue? I noticed there were no logos or credits on your theme so assumed you might have donated to them which would entitle you to free support, I think this is gonna be the best way to resolve the issue unless you fancy starting from a fresh install.

Let me know how you go and in the mean time If I find a solution I'll post it here.

Cheers - Barry

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I have made bunch of changes on CSS and .TPL files. As well as PHP files... But after long days of customization I saw that the product pages are messed up. I really do not want to bother them about this. I surely will like to buy them at least a couple of beers to show my appreciation. But as you can see there are hundreds of posts about Drupal Pixel theme problems in the forum.

It was fine before I change the content page size to remove left and right blocks from CMS and Contact pages. That still works fine on category pages, but on product page.

I will try to solve it a little bit more. If not, I will ask for help of course. What is your website? Can I take a look?

Jay Master

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  • 4 weeks later...

i have exactly the same issue... T_T i don't know why... but the right column and all of the product content are not in the div with id "columns"... but on the home page, all is ok...

Have you found a solution?
i'm on 1.4 and you?


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ho my god wtf with presta???
i don't know why i have this probleme everything was ok, i go to the preferences > products > active JqZoom : yes (for testing) > save.
I reaload my product page, i saw JqZoom, i don't like the effect (template was always good) and i return to the product pref to disable Jqzoom and save again.

I reload my product page and now the div with id "right column" is out the div with id "column"... and the div with all of the product content is out of the div column too.

Why? i don't... it's a bug of prestashop?
with the original prestashop theme, everything is ok, but i have not change my global.css, product.css, header.tpl at this moment...

I'm in a black hole now O_o

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