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use free resource to build a commerce web site

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there are many free resource you can use to build a commerce web site.
this make indivudual can start up their commerce on the internet. the world is plat.
espcially b2c web site.
today, you can use EC2 or google application engine. or you can web hosting provider service to host.
open source b2c software: like prestashop,osCommerce,zentcart…
free image store: you can use flicr.com to store you product image,which is reliable and quickly compare store
those image on your own web site.
IM tools: you can use MSN or yahoo messager, or livezilla and other open source
website access analiyse, you can use google.
BLOG,WIKI,DIGG,RSS… there are free, you can use there to prompt your b2c web site
payment: paypal, bank tranfer, western union,money gram …

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there are many free resource you can use to build a commerce web site.
this make indivudual can start up their commerce on the internet. the world is plat.
espcially b2c web site.
today, you can use EC2 or google application engine. or you can web hosting provider service to host.
open source b2c software: like prestashop,osCommerce,zentcart…
free image store: you can use flicr.com to store you product image,which is reliable and quickly compare store
those image on your own web site.
IM tools: you can use MSN or yahoo messager, or livezilla and other open source
website access analiyse, you can use google.
BLOG,WIKI,DIGG,RSS… there are free, you can use there to prompt your b2c web site
payment: paypal, bank tranfer, western union,money gram …

Thank you very much. I have printed out the checklist. It is very helpful. As far as ecommerce is concerned, of course I trust nothing except Prestashop. ;)

Professor Kimberley Williamson
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