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[MODULE] Advance Product Attribute/Field

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Advance Product Attribute/Field Module

The Advance Product Attribute/Filed module allows the store admin to add the additional fields on the product page. By adding additional fields on the product page the store admin can provide more relevant information to the customers regarding the product. By using this module the admin can add the additional fields like - TextBox, Checkbox, Radio Buttons, Date fields etc. Admin can enable the setting to display the custom fields to the invoice.

More Info and purchase here: Advance Product Attribute/Field Module



Benefits of Custom Product Attribute/Field Module:

The admin can display additional information regarding the products to the customers. This additional information helps the customer to make their purchase decision. In case you sell some specific items which need more details then this module is the best solution for your business. This module also allows the store admin to gather the customer inputs. Admin can select the option to display the customer response on the invoice.

Features of the Advance Product Attribute/Field on Product Page Module:

1) User-friendly interface: The store admin can install and configure the module with ease.

2) Admin can add multiple fields on the product page to display the additional information to the customers.

3) Admin can add the fields like TextBox, Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, Date etc.

4) Admin can make the custom fields mandatory.

5) Admin can add the custom fields to selected products or all products.

6) This module allows the customers to input their choices.

7) Admin can enable the setting to display the customer inputs in the invoice.


8) Multilingual

Module link: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/combinaisons-customization/30327-knowband-advance-product-attribute-field.html








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On 6/25/2021 at 5:09 PM, morgan toto said:

Hello, is it possible to add fields but has a variation?
An empty field or a field which takes again the characteristic colors already created in characteristic

We are not able to understand your concern. Please explain in detail. 

As per our understanding, if you have products with variation then you can add a drop down for the variation as well. In case customer missed to select the variation from the default interface but they need to select the variation from the custom field option. 

Please test the demo of the module for better understanding of the module working. 


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