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ajax search results help

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Hi people,

I have this piece of code below which returns a search using ajax. the probelm is i also need it to return the results from the PS_address company field. can any one help ? ive tried every thing. help

$customers = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
SELECT `id_customer`, `email`, CONCAT(`lastname`, \' \', `firstname`) as name
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer`
WHERE email LIKE "%'.pSQL($filter).'%"
'.(intval($filter) ? 'OR id_customer = '.intval($filter) : '').'
OR CONCAT(`firstname`, \' \', `lastname`) LIKE "%'.pSQL($filter).'%"
OR CONCAT(`lastname`, \' \', `firstname`) LIKE "%'.pSQL($filter).'%"
ORDER BY CONCAT(`lastname`, \' \', `firstname`) ASC
LIMIT 50');

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