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AJAX Request to Custom Admin Module Controller

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Hi Guys,

I am using Prestashop 1.7 and I created custom admin module controller class. What is the proper way to call a method inside my controller using AJAX request?

For example:

class AdminFooBarController extends ModuleAdminController
    public function ajaxProcessGetBar()
		return 'foo';


and in the backoffice template I have:

  type: 'POST',
  cache: false,
  dataType: 'json',
  url: 'ajax-tab.php', // not sure about this part
  data: {
    ajax: true,
    controller: 'AdminFooBar',
    action: 'GetBar',
    token: token
  success: function (data) {
    // something magical 

I can't seem to get it work.


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Your controller code seems to be right. Try this with the JS:

  type: 'POST',
  cache: false,
  dataType: 'json',
  url: 'index.php', // fix this
  data: {
    ajax: true,
    controller: 'AdminFooBar',
    action: 'getBar', // prestashop already set camel case before execute method
    token: token
  success: function (data) {
    // something magical 


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try this,

            type: 'POST',
            dataType: 'json',
            url: 'ajax-tab.php',
            data: {
                ajax: true,
                controller: 'AdminFooBar',
                action: 'youraction', // small letter case
                var1: your_variable, // if you want to send some var
                token: $('#your_DOM_identifier').attr('data-token'), // your token previously set in your DOM element
            .done(function (data) {


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Thanks for Your responses. Unfortunately both of propose solution didn't work. 

The payload looks as follows:

  • request url is {my_domain}/admin/index.php
  • form data: ajax=true&controller=AdminFooBar&action=getbar&token={token}

Although the response results in 200, no data is return back. Only security template "INVALID SECURITY TOKEN". 

Any ideas?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Believe it or not, i think the only error was ajax: true instead of ajax: 1.

This worked FINALLY for me:

	var postdata = {
		ajax: 1,
		controller: 'AdminFooBar',
		action: 'getBar',
		token: token
	  type: 'POST',
	  url: 'index.php',
	  data: postdata,
	  success: function(r){


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  • 4 months later...
  On 2/15/2019 at 1:22 PM, fanie said:

How do you return your data from the php function ?

Instead of 

return $result;

you can try




That's really bad solution.

In new PrestaShop you should use JsonResponse in your Symfony type controller.

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;

return new JsonResponse([
            "1" => [
                "ID" => "123-265",
                "ID eshop"=> "System Architect",
                "Kategorie"=> "$320,800",
                "Počet položek"=> "2011/04/25",
                "Kategorie"=> "Edinburgh",
                "Podkategorie_1"=> "5421",
                "Podkategorie_2"=> "5421",
                "Podkategorie_3"=> "5421",
                "Počet položek eshop"=> "5421"


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  • 4 weeks later...

I just ran into a massive problem that took me a long time to figure out. Documenting this here in case it'll be helpful for someone in the future:


My ajax calls had been running smoothly so far. But suddenly they stopped working.


Turns out there are 2 types of ajax methods:


public function ajaxProcessGetBar(){
	// this will be called in combination with postProcess()
	// on your ajax call, if you have submitted $_POST['action'] = 'getBar';  
	// then this will be called.

public function displayAjaxGetbar(){
	//this will be called even without the post process, as long as $_POST['ajax'] = 1;
	// on your ajax call, if you have submitted $_POST['action'] = 'getBar'; 
	// notice that you have to change the function name to all lower case.


So, here's what's important to consider:

class AdminFooBarController extends ModuleAdminController
    public function postProcess()
        return parent::postProcess(); // IF YOU DON'T DO THIS FOR ANY REASON

	public function ajaxProcessGetBar()


Also a nifty little function I found while debugging this:


abstract class ControllerCore
     * Dies and echoes output value
     * @param string|null $value
     * @param string|null $controller
     * @param string|null $method
    protected function ajaxDie($value = null, $controller = null, $method = null)
        if ($controller === null) {
            $controller = get_class($this);

        if ($method === null) {
            $bt = debug_backtrace();
            $method = $bt[1]['function'];

        Hook::exec('actionBeforeAjaxDie', array('controller' => $controller, 'method' => $method, 'value' => $value));
        Hook::exec('actionBeforeAjaxDie'.$controller.$method, array('value' => $value));



So this function/method ajaxDie is located in the Controller (myshop\classes\controller\Controller.php)

You should be able to use it in your module controller to echo ajax values and exit the script, since they all inherit each other

(AdminFooBarController extends ModuleAdminController extends AdminControllerCore extends Controller)

So, what @haunter said... simply using die(); isn't necessary/or a "good" solution, because  there's a specific function made for that: ajaxDie(); and it will even execute the hook actionBeforeAjaxDie for you.


Hope this helps someone! 🙂


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  • 6 months later...
  On 10/23/2018 at 1:17 AM, Deadpool said:

Thanks for Your responses. Unfortunately both of propose solution didn't work. 

The payload looks as follows:

  • request url is {my_domain}/admin/index.php
  • form data: ajax=true&controller=AdminFooBar&action=getbar&token={token}

Although the response results in 200, no data is return back. Only security template "INVALID SECURITY TOKEN". 

Any ideas?


 This is very old post, but i have the solution, hope this help someone


You'r solution is correct, to fix token issue, get token value like this:

$token_foo = Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminFooBar');


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  • 3 months later...

I added the full details here

First you have to add Ajax link in hook or somewhere with

// Create a link with the path

$adminajax_link = $this->context->link->getAdminLink('YourAdminModule');

//define js value to use in ajax url

	"adminajax_link" => $adminajax_link


And in your admin Module code looks like


class YourAdminModuleController extends ModuleAdminController

    public function ajaxProcessYourActionName()
		echo json_encode('foo');//something you want to return


and in your JS would be

            type: 'POST',
            cache: false,
            dataType: 'json',
            url: adminajax_link, 
            data: {
                ajax: true,
                action: 'youractionname'//lowercase with action name
            success : function (data) {
            error : function (data){


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  • 2 months later...

Good day - I can not for the life of me get an ajax call to work.

Module: CustomModule

Ajax URL:
(Context::getContext()->link->getModuleLink( 'CustomModule', 'CustomModuleOrderManagerController' ))
(Context::getContext()->link->getAdminLink( 'CustomModuleOrderManagerController' ))

$.ajax( {
			type    : "GET",
			url     : link,
			data    : {
				ajax   : true,
				action : 'productStockIssue'
			async   : true,
			cache   : false,
			beforeSend: function() {
			complete: function() {
			success: function( data ) {
				console.log( data );
			error: function( XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
				console.log( XMLHttpRequest );
				alert( XMLHttpRequest.responseText );
		} );
class CustomModuleOrderManagerController extends ModuleAdminController {
	public function displayAjaxProductStockIssue() {
		$this->ajaxDie( Tools::jsonEncode( ['error' => 'This is a test.'] ) );

	public function processProductStockIssue() {
		$this->ajaxDie( Tools::jsonEncode( ['error' => 'This is a test 2.'] ) );

	public function ajaxProcessProductStockIssue() {
		$this->ajaxDie( Tools::jsonEncode( ['error' => 'This is a test 3.'] ) );

Am I missing something? It just responds with "404 not found" with everything that I've tried.

Edited by Estian (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 10/21/2020 at 1:43 PM, Estian said:

Turns out I had to register a "tab" (the controller name) for the controller in "installTab()" during module installation.


It shouldn't be necessary as in Prestashop >1.7.5 you can load a custom admin controller without registering a Tab.

But... the doc is pretty confusing, I failed to do it, does anyone know how to register an admin controller and use it in ajax from backoffice?


Edited by Cryonos80 (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi There, 

There is a plenty of way to integrate ajax functionality to an admin module controller. 

First you need to bind an ajax function on click of that  button. You also need to send the module admin controller link to the js file. You can send the file via custom script tag in your helper form.

$link = new Link(); 
$urladmin = $link->getAdminLink( 'YourControllerName' ); 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
  var priceExpiryDate = "{$urladmin}"; 

Then you can use ajax to fire function on the server. 

type: 'POST', 
cache: false, 
dataType: 'json', 
url: adminajax_link, 
data: { 
  ajax: true, 
  action: 'yourActionName'//lowercase with action name 
  success : function (data) { 
  error : function (data){ 

Then do your php on code on the function e.g. that is your actionname in your admin controller class.

public function ajaxProcessYourActionName() { 
	echo json_encode('foo');//something you want to return 

Please mind the camel case of the name.

Boom It is done.

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  On 11/6/2020 at 4:10 PM, Cryonos80 said:

It shouldn't be necessary as in Prestashop >1.7.5 you can load a custom admin controller without registering a Tab.

But... the doc is pretty confusing, I failed to do it, does anyone know how to register an admin controller and use it in ajax from backoffice?



This has been some time ago but as far as I remember I just could not get it to work... and then I registered it as a tab and as ClassyDevs said, "Boom!" it worked haha.

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